Civil and construction works on installation of object “Reconstruction of Pripyat sewage treatment facilities, 2-st start-up line”
Сonstruction of a fence around STF, roads improvement, territory improvement and general construction works on engineered biological structures "Bioplateau" 4 cards within object "Reconstruction of Pripyat sewage treatment facilities.
Kinds of work:
- local removal of the most contaminated topsoil to a depth of 0.2 m in the fields Nr4, 5, 6, 7; moving it to the adjacent field, the use of which is not planned, or laying on the slopes of separated dams;
- removal of trees and shrubs in the selected filtration fields and desiccation into a depth of 0.3 m;
- organization of protection embankment slopes of filtration fields;
- renewal of concrete trays;
- improvement of footpaths for staff along cards of filtration fields;
- organization of entries for machinery to cards of filtration fields;
- improvement of roads for machinery along cards of filtration fields;
- renewal of area fencing;
- collection, transportation and disposal of radioactive waste from the construction site;
- ensuring radiation control system.