Opening of the "Construction of the centralized store for long-term storage of SRS, including equipment supply and installation" (CSLTSSRS) took place

On 16.06.2015 official opening of the "Construction of the centralized store for long-term storage of SRS, including equipment supply and installation" (CSLTSSRS) took place.

CSLTSSRS will accept for storage spent sources of ionizing radiation from all over Ukraine and exclusively from Ukraine, as noted at opening of the storage.

“The idea to build the storage is to transport all the radioactive sources, that are now stored in different storages in Ukraine, into one central repository” – British Ambassador Simon Smith.

WIRSs, arriving into the Centralized storage, will go through the process of final identification and certification in a radiation protective box or in "hot" cells, then placed for temporary storage in places determined by types a WIRS and their physical characteristics. All the processes of receiving and storing of the sources will be carried out using technological equipment. The personnel, working in the storage, will primarily manage and control operations in a clean area with the help of special inspection windows, cameras and manipulators.

The project implementation, namely its construction, lasted since 2011 to 2015, with the support of donor technical assistance of the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and its funds in the framework of the Global Partnership. Part of the DECC funds was a grant, received from the European Union. In the project implementation were involved both Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers of production equipment.

“Opening of this new storage in the Chernobyl Exclusion zone will bring significant benefits in the form of long-term storage of spent radioactive materials. In addition, it will help to reduce a threat of illegal trafficking of radioactive substances and risks of their falling into the hands of terrorists, as well as risks, associated with the impact on the environment “- said Simon Smith, speaking at the Storage opening ceremony.

Source: http://www.5.ua/video/V-zoni-ChAES-zapratsiuvalo-tsentralizovane-skhovyshche-radioaktyvnykh-vidkhodiv--84091.html